
Saturday, December 17, 2011

Catching up - Birthday Sewing

Re SMS Giveaway Day - I'm really enjoying all the suggestions for what to make with the jersey fabric, lots of really great ideas.

Besides the Christmas sewing that I've piled up for myself, some recent makes include my daughter's birthday dress and a hobby horse. She has wanted a hobby horse for at least a year and I finally used the Melly and Me pattern Giddy Up to make one for her. The major changes I made to the pattern were using wool for the mane, and ribbon for the bridle and reins. She loved it and my six year old son also looked for one, though his is still in 2D form, ie not stuffed!

I managed to get away with one cake this year, unlike 3 last year
She wanted a surprise cake, so this was my first effort at a doll cake. She was so pleased with this she wouldn't let us cut it for 2 days, and I made her a cream sponge instead, so we would have one to cut.

So, onto the dress. The pattern is 'Appliquée' from a lovely French pattern company 'Her Little World'. There is an English version of the pattern, but the instructions have lots of diagrams, so the French version is also easy to work from. I used a Liberty print cord for the outer layer and the stripe is Paul Smith.

It has an asymmetrical collar and a lot of twirl.

.... and a matching dolls dress.

I'm still without a camera, so borrowing my son's which is full of short Lego videos that I have to be (very) careful not to delete.


  1. You are amazing! I love it all. I am gobsmacked that you made a hobby horse. Wow! The matching dresses are gorgeous too. The dolly cake would wow my daughters too.

  2. Karin, thanks :-) At the moment she loves what I sew for her, so that's it's own reward. The cake wasn't difficult, except trying to find a baking tin to get the skirt shape right. And finding a doll whose legs would come off!

  3. How I love matching girl-doll dresses! and this dress is great! I also love the horse, great gift!

  4. Thanks Michal. There was such a lot of detail in this doll's dress, but my daughter loves having her doll matching too.

  5. Cette Appliquée est vraiment superbe ! Bravo !
