
Sunday, February 5, 2012

Sewing Japanese .... in French

Work on my 'Minoru' is ongoing, but slow because really, I realised that a non-waterproof raincoat would be ridiculous for the weather we have here. What was I thinking! So I've been making it waterproof which involves slightly changing the pattern and looking for waterproofing products which needs another post.

Meanwhile I just HAD to sew something quick, a dress for my daughter. The jersey dots are from Hilco (I think), bought from Dotsnstripes a while ago, and the cotton (voile) floral I bought locally - both sewn up using a Japanese Pattern.

This Japanese pattern book is unusual because it is in French, which I got hold of through Amazon. I studied French in school so I can now understand some of the instructions at least. The diagrams are still the same as the Japanese vesions though, incredibly clear. I'm sure it's only a matter of time before these books will be translated into English and available in Europe and Penguin Australia has already some English translations . I used pattern 'E'.

My daughter picked the ribbon (from Farbenmix) an interesting choice for my 5 year old because some other ribbons that matched, included flowers and birds and dogs! I added ribbon to the hem to give some weight to the voile. The selvedge is showing just below the ribbon.

The skirt is 4 metres in width (I think the pattern calls for 2 metres) and pleated which means lots and lots of twirl.

This 'Butterfly' dress is also from a Japanese Pattern book, a pattern I have sewn a few times before. I made this last October, but didn't blog. The butterfly and dots fabric are Robert Kaufman cord. The green top is an Ottobre pattern and Patty Young jersey fabric.

I have gathered quite a collection of Japanese sewing books so at least I feel I can justify them if they're being used!


  1. Both these dresses look great, really special, and a bit unique.
    I'm interested to learn how you handled the waterproofing.

    1. Thanks Karin.
      I will post on the waterproofing in the next week or so. There seems to be different products available here than in the US.

  2. Love the full, twirly skirt on the first dress! But the contrasting pleats on the butterfly one...they are so neat and fun. Like a little surprise thrown in!

    1. Cindy, that is my favourite too, though I've just remembered all the fussy cutting involved!

  3. super joli! très beau cet ensemble! beautiful!!
