
About Me & Contact

About me:
Hello, I'm Angela and this blog is where I post what I sew and connect with people who have similar interests.
After a few years of dressmaking and sewing it can be difficult to remember patterns I used and fabric and colour combinations, so this is an 'aide mémoire' and record of my creations and projects.

My background is in healthcare & psychology, with a former career in education and a specific qualification in online education and learning. I also blog and use social media simply to learn more about them and because of a general interest in educational technology.

Currently I work with as a Ribbon Blogger, and with Abakhan Fabrics on a 'Sewing on a Budget' series. This involves blogging about their products (provided free) when I use them in my sewing & dressmaking.

Contact: fitzgibbonangela(at)gmail(dot)com


  1. Hi Angela,

    I've just nominated you for a Liebster award … you can find out more here:…-ive-got-liebster-shock-revelations

    T x

    1. Thank you, that is so kind! I'm looking forward to answering the questions :-)
