Sunday, February 14, 2010

A Post for Valentines Day

I wouldn't be the biggest fan of Valentines Day - mind you if it got forgotten by my husband it might be another story! I got my first Valentines card from my husband (then boyfriend) when I was 22 so it's an ongoing tradition at this stage.

However so many crafty blogs, like SewMamaSew, are celebrating Valentines Day in non-commercial ways, and I found this (non-red) heart ribbon that i had to use.

It perfectly matched some Stenzo babycord - so I made this dress

I made a few changes to the pattern - Left out the zip and put buttons on the straps, shortened the bodice by about 2.5cm (1 inch). It fits my daughter very well - but i can never be sure with Japanese patterns - there's a lot of measuring and remeasuring and hoping for the best.

There's a pleat in the front and the edges of the pleat are stitched, which makes them very sharp.

My little sweetheart was so delighted. I haven't made her a dress since her birthday in November, and this one has plenty pink, which makes it a winner.
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